Safe Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery and COVID19 are here to stay.
The pandemic of COVID19 caused by the novel Corona Virus has affected the way we think about all plastic surgery.
COVID19 is on the minds of the surgeon, the surgical team, and everyone involved in their care.
This is true whether the patient is having an elective rhinoplasty or a medically necessary breast reconstruction.
Thus, I have created my very own approach to outpatient plastic surgery that maximizes safety for all involved.
The protocol is based on the recommendations of the American College of Surgeons, the Center for Medicare Services, and the American Association of Accredited Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (AAAASF).
Recent Plastic Surgery Podcast
I recently spoke about the necessary issues on my Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Podcast.
This plastic surgery and COVID19 episode may be helpful for both patients and surgeons.
Plastic Surgery and COVID19
Dr Jay Calvert and his staff are prepared and leading the way on how to be safe in surgery.
The surgical patient should isolate themselves from other human beings for 14 days prior to surgery.
A test should be done within 3 to 5 days of surgery that its the RT-PCR test.
This is a nasal swab or saliva test where presence of the virus is measured.
Antibody tests may be helpful, but the RT-PCR is the gold standard.
After the patient delivers their specimen for the RT-PCR test, they need to isolate until surgery.
No exceptions!
The day of surgery is very important.
Contact Dr Calvert’s staff and let them know you are there upon arrival to the surgery center.
Do not enter until you are called.
This will help with social distancing and prevent too many people in the waiting room.
Wear a mask into the surgery center.
Be prepared to have your temperature checked and to answer a battery of questions.
There is also a new COVID19 Consent form.
This is to make sure the patient is aware there is a pandemic and they are having surgery with the risk of this disease being ever present everywhere.