Jordyn S.
Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery 2 years agoDr Calvert is a god send for people who like myself who needed revision rhinoplasty due to a hack job by a previous Dr. I had searched and searched and did many consults before finding him. I then flew 5 hours for a consultation and I knew immediately he would be the one I would end up going with. His demeanor and compassion are unmatched. Like he actually cares about his patients and their results and he is 100% honest about realistic expectations.. I ended up having surgery with him in Feb.. Again before surgery he reminded me that revisions were tougher cases and whatever the outcome he wouldn’t leave me hi and dry but he was confident he could make my nose look better and his confidence brought confidence within myself. He chose to use rib cartilage in my nose and even though that made me nervous I knew I was going to go with whatever he suggested.. Immediately after the cast was removed even with all of the swelling I could see 100% improvement and knew that it would only get better.. I promised not to be one of those crazy patients and trust the process.. I will say I pretty much kept my word because he had already informed me it would take time and he was right. Dr Calvert stayed in constant contact with me, here we are 10 months later and he still replies to my texts.. I seen him for several follow up appointments and he and his staff are always so welcoming.. I will be seeing him again in February due to some scar tissue that formed which is common with rhinoplasty, especially revisions and no fault of the Dr. I am very much excited about my appointment as it will only get better.. Thank you Dr Calvert!!!!