Dr. Calvert puts emphasis on performing minimally invasive hernia surgery for the appropriate cases, he can often repair large hernias with very small incisions and advance laparoscopic techniques.
This usually leads to a faster recovery for his patients, and less pain after the hernia surgery.
What is hernia repair?
An abdominal hernia is a bulge or protrusion at a weakened area in the abdominal muscles.
For many patients the bulge is visible but not painful.
Other patients will have varying degrees of discomfort.
A hernia repair procedure is often done in conjunction with abdominoplasties.
You may want hernia repair if you:
- Have experienced a hernia due to surgery, pregnancy, weight gain, chronic coughing, straining with bowel movements or lifting heavy objects
- Experience discomfort
- Have a bulge in the abdomen
The Hernia Procedure in Beverly Hills
In the simplest hernias the surrounding muscles are stitched together to eliminate the weakness.
In larger and more complicated hernias it may be necessary to add a mesh material to the muscle area that creates a stronger repair.
Most hernia patients have a one to two day hospital stay with two to four weeks of post-operative recovery time, though this can vary with the severity of the hernia and procedure.
Prior to your hernia surgery, Dr.Calvert will provide instructions for how to help reduce the risks of complications both before and after your hernia procedure.
Before you decide to have hernia surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with Dr. Calvert.
For more information about a hernia repair or any other plastic surgery procedures, contact Dr Calvert or find the nearest practice location to you.
His helpful office staff can answer questions for you or talk to Dr Calvert in person by booking a consultation now.