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Facelift Techniques

As we age, gravity takes a toll and can cause many unwelcome changes to facial features. Using the appropriate facelift techniques, one can turn back the clock and restore a youthful version of yourself. 

What is a Facelift?

First, when we are talking about a ‘facelift,’ we’re primarily focused on the neck, jaw line, and jowls. A midface and facial rejuvenation procedure, as we talked about previously, would include altering the brow positioning, eyes, cheek, etc.
Dr. Rovelo’s Midface Lift Podcast:
Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Podcast

Dr. Rovelo’s Midface Lift Blog:
Dr. Jay Calvert Blog Post

Facelift Techniques 

Facelift Techniques Podcast:
Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Podcast
A facelift generically entails only pulling the skin back to give the face a tighter look. However, a “skin-only” facelift is only appropriate when the chief problem is loose skin. The longevity of the postoperative appearance is in question, because the skin is an elastic structure which can quickly gain laxity again. Additionally, forcing the skin to mold to ptotic deep tissue risks distorting face shape. Therefore, it is important to address the underlying age-related changes with the deep tissues.

The superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) is a sheet of fascia which spans from the inferior zygomatic arch down to the platysma muscles in the neck. While the specific facelift techniques will differ patient to patient, the SMAS is an important system to target in facelifts to obtain excellent long-lasting results. During a SMAS lift, the surgeon lifts the SMAS off the zygomatic arch, re-positions, and sews it down. A benefit of a SMAS lift is flexibility for manipulation of the lower face. Finally, the skin can be re-draped and cut accordingly.

Another common, effective technique is a deep plane facelift. The deep plane is the layer that resides between the SMAS and deeper musculature. Unlike a SMAS lift, during this procedure, the skin and SMAS remain as one unit. This allows for direct release of retaining ligaments and muscles and maximal movement of superficial soft tissue. Additionally, this technique is extremely effective at eliminated the troubling jowls.
Each patient may have a unique cocktail of techniques needed to obtain strong results. Regardless of the technique used, incision sites will be in front & behind the ears and along the hairline.

Facelift vs Injectables

Noninvasive procedures like botox and fillers have been the go-to for immediate anti-aging. Although injections to the under eye and cheekbone would restore lost volume, it is only a temporary fix. On the contrary, having a facelift would address the underlying pathophysiology. Moreover, the procedure works on multiple levels from the skin down to the periosteum, resulting in favorable aesthetic outcomes.

Newsweek Americas Best Plastic Surgeons Facelift

For more information on facelifts and our techniques, please feel free to call the office of Dr Jay Calvert at +1.310.777.8800 or in Newport Beach, +1.949.644.2858.